1992 Canadian Olympic Hopefuls 

1 Tom Hansen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
2 Kristin Berg $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
3 Gillian Hamilton $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
4 Lisa Meloche $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
5 Angela Cutrone $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
6 Sylvie Daigle $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
7 Julie Sutton $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
10 Lisa Sargeant $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
11 Arcton Lancaster $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
12 Chantal Cote $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
13 Chris Lori $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
14 Ken Leblanc $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
15 Angela Schmidt-Foster $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
18 Ashley Herod $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
20 Brad King $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
23 Michelle Mcdonald, Martin Smith $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
24 Jean Paquet $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
25 Nadine Landry $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
26 Myriam Bedard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
27 Michelle Menzies, Kevin Wheeler $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
28 Jacqueline Petr, Mark Janoschak $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
29 Jodie Sutton $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
30 Ida Mitten $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
31 Isabelle Charest $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
33 Michael Slipchuk $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
34 Elaine Dagg-Jackson $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
35 JaneVincent $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
36 Stacey Ball, Jean-Michel Bombardier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
38 Ellen Gillies $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
39 Nathalie Lambert $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
40 Stephane Barrette $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
41 Rhonda Delong $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
42 Yves Bilodeau $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
43 Darren Derochie $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
44 Donald Farley $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
45 Anthony Main $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
46 Lucy Steele $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
47 Dany Bouchard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
48 Wayne Dustin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
49 Alain Masson $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
50 Jean Mcallister $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
51 Lorna Sasseville $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
52 Darren Thornburn $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
53 Mark Bonnell $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
54 Michael Murray $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
55 Annie Laurendeau $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
56 John Ross $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
58 Rob Bosinger $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
59 Nancy Gee $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
60 Kerrin Lee-Gartner $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
61 Philippe Laroche $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
63 Rob Boyd $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
64 Annie Perreault $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
65 Michelle Mckendry $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
66 Roman Torn $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
67 Felix Belczyk $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
68 Rob Crossan $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
69 Lucie Laroche $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
70 Cary Mullen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
71 Kate Pace $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
73 Karri Willms $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
76 Ralf Socher $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
77 Glenn Rupertus $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
78 Kevin Park $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
79 Genevieve Fortin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
80 John Smart $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
81 Edi Podivinskiy $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
82 Yvonne Visser $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
83 Dan Petryk $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
84 Pat Henry $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
85 Bronwen Thomas $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
86 Steve Cyr $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
87 Melissa Soligo $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
88 Don Bartlett $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
89 Christian Marcoux $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
90 Lane Barrett $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
91 Todd Allison $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
92 Tanya Clarke $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
93 Richard Perirce $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
94 Craig Young $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
95 Dan Doll $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
96 Anne-Marie Brassard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
97 Nicolas Fontaine $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
98 Dave Walker $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
99 Andre Benoit $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
101 Steve Harris $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
102 Chris Sudo $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
104 Karen Preston $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
105 Robert Dubreuil $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
106 Oliver Michalsky $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
107 Harington Telford $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
110 Becky Hamilton $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
112 Tanya Bingert $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
115 Sean Ireland $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
116 Harry Salmon $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
117 Patrick Brault $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
118 Brent Frank $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
119 Guy Thibault $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
120 Gregor Jelonek $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
123 Nathalie Beauvais $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
124 Laurent Daignault $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
125 Sylvain Gagon $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
126 Cameron Mackay $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
128 Frederic Blackburn $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
129 Michel Daignault $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
130 Fanny Gougoux $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
131 Caroline Maheux $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
132 Susan Stewart $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
133 Christine Boudrias $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
134 Eden Donatelli $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
135 Shawn Holman $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
136 Neal Marshall $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
137 Neil Sullivan $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
138 Derrick Campbell $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
139 Marc Gagnon $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
140 Mark Lackie $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
141 Eric Hards $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
142 Laurent Marechal $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
143 Vincent Poscente $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
144 Horst Bulau $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
145 John Lockyer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
146 Kenny Dale $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
147 Mary Joanne Mccann $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
148 Kirk Allen $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
149 Colin Capel $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
150 Ron Richards $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
151 Sheridon Baptiste $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
152 Pierre Leuders $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
153 Andre Ouimet $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
154 Aleisha Cline $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
155 Cal Langford $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
158 David Belhumeur $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
160 Scott Hennigar $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
162 Sylvie Cantin $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
163 Caroline Olivier $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
164 Katerina Kubenk $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
165 Pat Akeson $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
166 John Graham $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
167 Patrick Kelly $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
168 Lark Frolek $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
169 Kevin Milliken $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
170 Todd Crawford $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
171 Greg Haydenluck $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
172 Guy Scheffer $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
173 Kendra Kobelka $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
175 Stephane Roy $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
176 Chris Farstad $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
177 Peter Robertson-Stovel $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
178 Anna Kindy $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
181 David Maceachern $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
182 Eric Villiard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
183 Jean-Luc Brassard $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
184 Chris Kontos $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
186 Jack Pyc $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
188 Marie-Andree Masson $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
189 Adrien Plavsic $ 2.00   Buy it now! 2
191 Todd Brost $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3
195 Dan Ratushny $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
196 Fabian Joseph $ 2.00   Buy it now! 1
199 Karl Dykhuis $ 2.00   Buy it now! 3

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Browse Cards By:

Browse Players By Last Initial:

Browse Players By First Initial:

Browse Sets By Season:
70-71   80-81   90-91   00-01   10-11
71-72   81-82   91-92   01-02   11-12
72-73   82-83   92-93   02-03   12-13
73-74   83-84   93-94   03-04   13-14
74-75   84-85   94-95   04-05   14-15
75-76   85-86   95-96   05-06   15-16
76-77   86-87   96-97   06-07   16-17
77-78   87-88   97-98   07-08   17-18
78-79   88-89   98-99   08-09   18-19
79-80   89-90   99-00   09-10   19-20


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